Biblioteka Publiczna

w Dzielnicy BEMOWO Warszawy


The Magical worlds of Harry Potter : a treasury of Myths, legends and fascinating facts [ang.]

Autor: Colbert, David

All the questions you ever wanted to ask about the fantastical world in which Harry lives are answered here. Discover the astonishing origins of magical creatures, the clues to hidden meanings in names, and amazing facts about real-life wizards and ancient magic spells. From Alchemists to Unicorns, Basilisks to Veela, this fascinating compendium brings another dimension to Harry`s adventures.

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Wyp. nr 38
ul. Konarskiego Stanisława 6

Sygnatura: SALA MULTIJĘZYKOWA: 821(091)
Numer inw.: 394
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


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