Biblioteka Publiczna

w Dzielnicy BEMOWO Warszawy


Seven Deadly sins : my pursuit of Lance Armstrong [ang.]

"My pursuit of Lance Armstrong "

Autor: Walsh, David

The story of Lance Armstrong, the cyclist who had overcome life-threatening cancer and come back to win the Tour de France, inspired millions around the world. But as journalist David Walsh suspected from the very beginning: it was all built on a lie. In search for the truth, he conducted a 13-year investigation into the Texan cyclist that had Armstrong dubbing him a `troll` and questioning his ethics.

But in October 2012, Armstrong was stripped of his titles and forced to admit in

an interview with Oprah that he had, after all, been doping and that his seven Tour victories were little more than his seven deadly sins. This book, updated to include the latest developments, takes the reader into the heart of the biggest sports story of the decade.

Zobacz pełny opis
Odpowiedzialność:David Walsh.
Hasła:Armstrong, Lance (1971- )
Środki dopingowe
Stany Zjednoczone (USA)
Adres wydawniczy:London [i inne] : Simon & Schuster, 2013.
Opis fizyczny:451 stron, [8] stron tablic : fotografie kolorowe ; 20 cm.
Uwagi:Tekst w języku angielskim.
Forma gatunek:Książki. Literatura faktu, eseje, publicystyka.
Dziedzina:Kultura fizyczna i sport
Powiązane zestawienia:Książki w języku angielskim
Sport (historia)
Rowery, kolarstwo
Biografie i pamiętniki sportowców
Skocz do:Dodaj recenzje, komentarz

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Wyp. nr 38
ul. Konarskiego Stanisława 6

Numer inw.: 1979
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


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